1. 背景
2. 需求:
3. 构建数据
3.1 创建表结构:
-- DROP TABLE public.t_temperature CREATE TABLE public.t_temperature ( id int4 NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, place_name varchar NOT NULL, value float8 NOT NULL, up_time timestamp NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT t_temperature_pk PRIMARY KEY (id) ); -- Permissions ALTER TABLE public.t_temperature OWNER TO postgres; GRANT ALL ON TABLE public.t_temperature TO postgres;
3.2 造数据
INSERT INTO public.t_temperature (place_name,value,up_time) VALUES ('广州',35,'2020-07-12 15:00:00.000') ,('广州',35.9,'2020-07-12 15:30:00.000') ,('深圳',30,'2020-07-12 15:30:00.000') ,('深圳',31,'2020-07-12 16:30:00.000') ,('三亚',23,'2020-07-12 16:30:00.000') ,('三亚',21,'2020-07-12 17:30:00.000') ,('北极',-1,'2020-07-12 17:30:00.000') ,('北极',-10,'2020-07-12 19:30:00.000') ;
4. 需求实现
4.1 需求1的SQL语句
利用了postgreSql的一个函数:ROW_NUMBER() OVER( [ PRITITION BY col1] ORDER BY col2[ DESC ] )
select * from ( select tt.place_name, tt.value, tt.up_time, row_number() over ( partition by tt.place_name order by tt.up_time desc) as row_num from t_temperature tt) aaa where aaa.row_num = 1
4.2 需求2的SQL语句
利用了一个case when then else end 用法来统计数量
select dd.place_name, sum(case when dd.value <= 0 then 1 else 0 end) as 低温天气, sum(case when dd.value > 0 and dd.value < 25 then 1 else 0 end) as 正常天气, sum(case when dd.value >= 25 then 1 else 0 end) as 高温天气 from t_temperature dd group by dd.place_name
select dd.place_name, sum(case when dd.value <= 0 then 1 else 0 end) as 低温天气, sum(case when dd.value > 0 and dd.value < 25 then 1 else 0 end) as 正常天气, sum(case when dd.value >= 25 then 1 else 0 end) as 高温天气 from ( select * from ( select tt.place_name, tt.value, tt.up_time, row_number() over ( partition by tt.place_name order by tt.up_time desc) as row_num from t_temperature tt) aaa where aaa.row_num = 1) dd group by dd.place_name